Population Dynamics under Environmental Challenges in Serbia
Project goals
Examination of how and to what extent environmental challenges influence three components of population dynamics – fertility, mortality, and migration in Serbia
Innovative Methodology
Combination of demographic, socioeconomic, and environmental data from different sources and levels. Structural equation models (SEM) are employed to identify the causal pathways.
Expected impact
An open data environment stimulates interdisciplinary and multi-domain use of the project’s results and data during and beyond the project’s lifetime.
Our Team
POPENVIROS multidisciplinary team includes researchers with different but at the same time complementary profiles such as demographers, environmental analysts, and statisticians
Project News
We are very pleased to announce that cooperation with Land an Open Access Journal by MDPI has been established. Land is an international and cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal on...
In the series “Demographic Horizons” which is realized with the support of the Ministry of Family Care and Demography, principal investigator of POPENVIROS project Natalija Mirić talked...
We are pleased that the POPEBVIROS conference has been announced in the newsletter of the European Association for Population Studies. Thank you for your support! Read full EAPS Newsletter 📢 REMINDER...
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the International Scientific Conference “Population and Environment: Challenges and Perspectives”. The organizer of this conference is the University of...
U petak 27. decembra 2024. godine održan je peti sastanak Klimatske platforme, incijative koju je pokrenuo Centar za promociju nauke čiji je cilj okupljanje zajednice, deljenje i promovisanje znanja i...
On December 18, the First Annual Meeting of the POPENVIROS team was held via the MS Teams platform. All 10 members of the POPENVIROS team attended the meeting.The results achieved in the first year of...
Organized by the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade, on Wednesday November 6, the final event of the PANACEA project financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia within the...
On October 22, 2024, a catch-up meeting of the members of the POPENVIROS team involved in work packages 4 and 5 was held. Slavoljub Dragićević, Vera Gligorijević, Ivan Novković, Petar Vasić, Ivan...
In the organization of the Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia and the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, and in cooperation with the City of Pirot, in the period from October...
We are pleased to inform you that all activities within Work Packages 2 and 3 has been successfully completed. The activities within WP 2 were related to the data collection, while activities within...
In Zlatibor, from August 29 to 31, 2024, the VI Congress of the Geographers of Serbia was held under the title “Quo vadis geography – Where is geography going?”. Six members of the...
Principal Investigator, Natalija Mirić, was a guest of the show 150 minutes on Prva TV and spoke about the project POPENVIROS, climate changes, and its effects on the population. Watch the entire...
Principal Investigator, Natalija Mirić, spoke for the portal EUpravo zato about the project POPENVIROS, climate changes, and its effects on the population. Read the entire article at this link...
We are pleased to announce that our first Project Progress Report has been successfully accepted by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. Good luck in the realization of milestones and...
Principal Investigator, Natalija Mirić, spoke for the portal KLIMA 101 about the effects of climate change on fertility. Read the entire article at this link...
On April 8 and 9, the POPENVIROS project was presented at the expert meeting “Citizens’ Voice in Spatial and Urban Planning” held in Vrdnik organized by National Alliance for Local...
Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 in more than 150 countries around the world. The intention is to remind people all over the world of the state of the nature of the planet they live on, as well as...
On April 19th and 20th, 2024, Belgrade will host a significant international scientific conference titled “Population in Post-Yugoslav Countries: (Dis)similarities and Perspectives”. This event...
On April 8, 2024, a catch-up meeting of the members of the POPENVIROS team involved in work package 2 was held. Slavoljub Dragićević, Ivan Novković, Natalija Mirić, Damjan Bakić, and Tijana...
As part of the activities of the Society of Demographers of Serbia, a series of online panel discussions under the name Demografisanje is organized. The idea is to bring demographers and researchers...
We are pleased to inform you that all activities within Work Package 1 have been successfully completed. The activities within WP 1 were related to the collection and critical review of previous...
On Monday, February 26, 2024, the POPENVIROS project “Population dynamics under environmental challenges in Serbia” financed under the Prizma program of the Science Fund of the Republic of...
Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da prisustvuju Tribini Vukove Zadužbini na kojoj će biti predstavljen projekat POPENVIROS. Na tribini će govoriti dr Slavoljub Dragićević, redovni profesor Geografskog...
RTS Lab: From idea to identity on RTS Science Through the creation of new ideas, knowledge and solutions, science contributes to the improvement of life. Ideas and implementation need to be supported...
The PR team of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia organized a working breakfast attended by media representatives and three principal investigators of the projects from the Science Fund...
“Jedan od najvećih izazova sa kojim se Srbija danas suočava jeste demografske prirode, a proističe iz negativnih trendova u dinamici stanovništva u poslednjih nekoliko decenija.” Ceo tekst...
On February 1, 2024, a catch-up meeting of the members of the POPENVIROS team involved in work package 1 (project preparation) was held. Vera Gligorijević, Slavoljub Dragićević, Ivan Novković, Petar...
At the end of 2023 (December 11), POPENVIROS project officially began with a kick-off meeting at the Faculty of Geography. The team members discussed the project activities, internal communication and...
Project title:
Population Dynamics under Environmental Challenges in Serbia
Program: PRISMA,
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Subprogram: Social and humanities sciences
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Subprogram: Social and humanities sciences
Project ID: 7358
Starting date: 01.12.2023.
Project duration: 3 years
Principal investigator:
Natalija Mirić
Professor Assistant
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Geography
Natalija Mirić
Professor Assistant
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Geography
The POPENVIROS website was developed with the financial support of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.