Name and surname: Milica Maričić
Institution: University of Belgrade Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Title: Assistant professor
Areas of scientific interest: computational statistics, multivariate statistics, structural equation modelling
Short biography: Milica Maričić completed her BSc and MSc at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FOS) and pursued a PhD in the field of Computational Statistics at the same Faculty. Since 2015, she is employed at the Department of Operations Research and Statistics at FOS. She currently works as an Assistant Professor. Her fields of research are composite indicators, rankings, structural modelling, and applied statistics, especially in the sphere of sports and marketing. She published more than 15 Web of Science indexed papers and is cited more than 350 times in Google Scholar database. In 2018 she received the Young Scholars for Better Statistics Award on the Conference Better Statistics for Better Lives organized by OECD and IAOS for the best PhD paper. So far, she participated in three ERASMUS teaching mobilities in Germany and the Netherlands. She is currently a member of three national project in the role of researcher.
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Subprogram: Social and humanities sciences
Project ID: 7358
Starting date: 01.12.2023.
Project duration: 3 years
Natalija Mirić
Professor Assistant
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Geography