Vera Gligorijević

Name and surname: Vera Gligorijević

Institution: University of Belgrade Faculty of Geography

Title: Full Professor

Areas of scientific interest: Economic demography and demographic aspects of families and households

Short biography: Vera Gligorijević is a full-time professor at the University of Belgrade – Department of Demography, Faculty of Geography, and is engaged in undergraduate, master’s and doctoral studies of the Demography study program. Dr. Vera Gligorijević’s scientific and professional works are devoted to questions in the field of economic demography and demographic aspects of families and households. On two occasions, she held the position of head of the Department of Demography at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, is a member of the presidency of the Association of Demographers of Serbia, and is the author of numerous works published in national and international scientific journals. She participated in scientific conferences held in the country and abroad and was a member of teams for the realization of international and domestic scientific and professional projects.

Project title: Population Dynamics under Environmental Challenges in Serbia
Program: PRISMA,
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Subprogram: Social and humanities sciences

Project ID: 7358
Starting date: 01.12.2023.
Project duration: 3 years

Principal investigator:
Natalija Mirić
Professor Assistant
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Geography
The POPENVIROS website was developed with the financial support of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.
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