D0.2_POPENVIROS_Kick-off-meeting-Report_2023-12-16 D0.1_POPENVIROS_Project-menagement-and-quality-plan_2024-02-06 D1.1_POPENVIROS_Literature Review Report_2024-03-29 D0.6 POPENVIROS_Communication tool and interfaces_2024-03-31 D0.3_POPENVIROS_Report from the 1st annual meeting Project title: Population Dynamics under Environmental Challenges in Serbia Program: PRISMA, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia Subprogram: Social and humanities sciences Project ID: 7358Starting date: 01.12.2023.Project duration: 3 years Principal investigator: Natalija Mirić Professor Assistant University of Belgrade Faculty of Geography The POPENVIROS website was developed with the financial support of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.