Organized by the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade, on Wednesday November 6, the final event of the PANACEA project financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia within the program Ideje was held. PANACEA project is implemented in a consortium of three faculties of the University of Belgrade (Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Transport) and for the past three years PANACEA focuses on the sharing economy and establishing capacities for its development in Serbia. The final event was an opportunity for PANACEA team to give a retrospective and review of the very successful implementation of the project. The expected results of the PANACEA project have been exceeded, and now the team members are faced with new ideas and questions – where to go next in platform and sharing economy research.
At the beginning of the event, principal investigator Veljko Jeremić presented the PANACEA project and SeSECC – the newly formed Center for the Sharing Economy, whose main mission is to contribute to strengthening the capacities of the sharing economy community in Serbia through research and education on new digital-social economic models.
This was followed by a panel discussion “Quo vadis, platform economy? Quo vadis, SeSECC? moderated by Veljko Jeremić, principal investigator of the PANACEA project. One of the panel discussion participants was Natalija Mirić, principal investigator of the POPENVIROS project, who had the opportunity to present the goals and expectations of the project. In addition to Natalija Mirić, participants in the panel discussion were Nikolina Vrcelj, CEO of Udekom Balkans, and Vukašin Aleksić, head of partnerships and business development of startup company Podyx. The panel discussion took place in a sign of good mood and synergy of different, but at the same time complementary, experiences and knowledge.
We would like to thank Veljko Jeremić for the invitation and the opportunity to be part of this event.
We look forward to future adventures and collaborations.
Photos from the final event of the PANACEA project can be viewed in the gallery.